Freeport NJROTC Participates in Veterans Day Salute
Posted on 11/17/2013

The Freeport High School Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps, under the direction of Major Donald R. Moore USMC (retired), participated in the annual Veterans Day service held at the Freeport Recreation Center.

The NJROTC, nearly 50 strong, marched into the meeting hall populated by veterans, their families, local officials, honored guests and dignitaries prior to the ceremony. Uniformed students had the honor of presenting the American flag for the Pledge of Allegiance. The Freeport American Legion chapter, William Clinton Story - Post 342, hosted the event and called upon several honored guests to speak about their service to our country and the tours of duty they served across different wars and conflicts. The ceremony ended with the traditional and solemn playing of "Taps" to honor those who gave their lives defending our nation.