FHS Future Problem Solvers Place Second in NYS Championship
Posted on 04/01/2014

Freeport High School students successfully competed in the New York State Future Problem Solving Championships held at Molloy College. Ms. Angela Wheat and Ms. Lauren Calvo coached the teams. One of the teams placed second in the overall Team Problem Solving competition, while another team placed second overall in the Presentation of Action Plan.

The students performed skits based on their action plan for this year's problem - future land transportation. In order to compete, the students were required to complete four problems over the course of the year. The students were given a future scene or "fuzzy" that they used to brainstormed sixteen problems. After completing that task, they developed an underlying problem that can be a fleshing out of one idea or bringing together multiple problems. The teams then created sixteen solutions. The students rated their solutions based on criteria that they decided in advance. Some examples include: economic viability, ease of implementation and time etc.

Upon completing that process, the students created an action plan to solve the problem. It was this action plan that they presented at the New York State conference.

NYS Championship