Students Reach Out to Share Hope
Posted on 04/13/2014

Giblyn students were immediately connected to the people in the Philippines when they experienced Typhoon Yolanda on November 8, 2013. The typhoon was the most devastating the country had ever had.

"When students learned of the devastation, they were so moved to let the people of the Philippines know that they were in their constant thoughts," said Mrs. Muldowney, principal. "Our kids wanted to create and send something that came from their heart. They related to the children because they understood what it felt like to lose their belongings, homes and schools, since Sandy only happened a year before."

Students in kindergarten through fourth grade created "Stars of Hope," wooden stars that were colorfully decorated with words of inspiration to be nailed to remaining tree limbs and building structures to remind the people that there is still hope. In addition, students in third and fourth grade also wrote inspiring postcards and class books. These items were sent to the Tabango Central School and Tabango North District. Everyone was extremely appreciative of the package and they have since responded to the letters and gestures of hope and inspiration sent to them.

The "Stars of Hope" are now displayed a world away from Giblyn.

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