Be Fit and Be Cool
Posted on 06/10/2014

Students at Bayview Avenue School learned the dangers of childhood obesity from a group of visiting doctors who led them on a mile-long walk as part of the "Be Fit - Be Cool" initiative.

"We hope that this first-time event will become a fixture on the school calendar for years to come," said principal Odette Wills. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham was on hand to support the program designed to help motivate students to strive to have a better diet and exercise lifestyle.

The "Be Fit - Be Cool" program, sponsored by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin Queens/Long Island chapter, echoed the anti-obesity initiative of first lady Michelle Obama. "We are here to do something to make your life more healthy and more special," said AAPIQLI President Dr. Ajay K. Lodha. Students were shown a PowerPoint slideshow explaining the health risks associated with poor eating and lack of exercise. Dr. Lodha and other physicians then led the students on their measured mile walk around the building to reinforce the message of proper exercise.

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