Seuss Celebrations
Posted on 03/09/2015

Students throughout the district celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday, also known as Read Across America Day, with a variety of reading-oriented activities.

At New Visions, teachers swapped classrooms to serve as guest readers of Dr. Seuss books to their colleagues' students. Archer celebrated the author by hosting children's musicians Scott and Beth Bierko at its Dr. Seuss Pajama Party. Bayview hosted its annual Family Book Club, which brought together students and their families for an evening of entertainment by teachers dressed as book characters who celebrated the joy of reading. A book fair was held at the school following the program. Giblyn welcomed several guests for special readings of Dr. Seuss books, including Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham and Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Gerard Poole.

The activities reinforced the importance of reading while celebrating the life of one of the most influential children's authors in history.

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