Concert promotes peace
Posted on 10/07/2014

On the International Day of Nonviolence and the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most notable advocates of passive resistance in history, the district held its annual peace concert and art exhibit at the high school.

With student musicians and artists from all eight of the district's buildings at the forefront, the evening featured song-and-dance performances promoting peace. Board of Education members, parents, administrators, faculty, community residents, and elected officials attended the event, where performers from each school took turns showcasing their talents.

The evening began with welcome speeches by District Music Director Anne-Marie Hudley Simmons, High School Principal Linda Carter and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham, who spoke on behalf of the board of education and the school district.

"We welcome you to our celebration of International Nonviolence Day and Mahatma Gandhi's birthday," Dr. Kuncham said. "Our students are involved everyday in promoting peace and nonviolence, and I thank the teachers, administrators and everyone who has helped to make this event possible." Dr. Kuncham then referenced a famous quote by Gandhi. "'Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind," he said. "It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.'"

The speeches were followed by a slideshow highlighting peaceful coexistence among all life forms and Columbus Avenue kindergartners speaking about what peace means to them. Performances by New Visions, Archer Street, Bayview Avenue, Giblyn, Atkinson and Dodd students followed. The high school Sinfonietta's performance of "What a Wonderful World," concluded the program.

"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind," said high school student Rajiv Chanda, who emceed the program. "We must pursue peace to make this a wonderful world."

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