Students pay tribute to Board of Education
Posted on 11/04/2014

In honor of Board of Education Recognition Month, district students honored the Board of education at its October meeting.

The meeting, held at Archer Street School, featured a musical performance by the school's fourth-grade chorus group, and speeches by elementary and high school students, in which they thanked the school board. Several groups, including the Parent-Teacher Association, also expressed their gratitude with speeches and donations made in the name of the board to various charitable organizations.. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham said the board plays a major role in making Freeport an "effective and efficient school district."

"We appreciate your hard work, dedication, vision and voice," Dr. Kuncham said. "You are extraordinary people who provide innovative leadership and ensure that all students are able to grow and prosper with a fine education. Your actions and decisions have positively changed the lives of our children."

The chorus said "thank you" while singing in front of a photomontage of the board of education. Archer Street Principal Paula Lein said it was an honor and a privilege to be chosen as the site to host the event and thanked the board for supporting the school and community's goal of helping make its students independent learners.

"Whether it's crafting board policies, hiring administrators, listening to community concerns or recognizing outstanding programs, you always keep your eyes on the goal of student achievement," Dr. Kuncham added. "We thank you for selflessly devoting your knowledge, time and talents as strong advocates for our school children. Thank you for inspiring us and leading us in good times and challenging times. We salute you!"