Archer trots for cats and dogs
Posted on 11/25/2014

As part of its Thanksgiving celebration, students and faculty at Archer Street gave back to the community with a fundraiser for its four-legged friends.

During the school's Turkey Trot, local nonprofit animal rescue organization Bobbi & the Strays was presented with a check for $2,000. Students then held colorful signs and wore festive hats during the Turkey Trot around the school.

The fundraiser was held throughout November, and donating students' names were posted onto feathers which adorned a bulletin board in the school.

"This fundraiser was done so that we can give back to you," Principal Paula Lein said to Bobbi & the Strays. "We are so grateful that you help the cats and dogs of our community by giving them loving homes."

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham, who was also in attendance, recognized Bobbi & the Strays for the "outstanding work they do on a volunteer basis," and said that the fundraiser is a testament to the pride Freeport schools take in giving back to the community.

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