Elementary Schools’ Students Move On Up
Posted on 06/29/2015

Fourth-graders at each of the district's four elementary schools celebrated the end of the school year with moving-up ceremonies, as they reflected back on their first years of education and prepared to come together next year at Atkinson for fifth-grade.

With their proud families, teachers and administrators in attendance, students at Bayview, Giblyn, Archer and New Visions schools paid homage to the support and guidance of staff prior to receiving certificates for completing elementary education.

At Bayview, top-performing Freeport High School students of the Class of 2015, who are alumni of the elementary school, were in attendance to watch their counterparts move up. The keynote speaker was high school salutatorian Lois Evans, who encouraged the younger students to never give up, try their best, and to remember that the sky is the limit. The fourth-graders then honored their teachers with heartfelt words, and personally delivered flowers to them. The entire group serenaded all guests with a performance of"Little Wonders" prior to a slideshow presentation featuring events and special moments throughout the students' Bayview careers. The program culminated with the ceremonial announcement of moving-up students' names.

"I am truly excited because I believe we have given our students strong roots and strong wings through our partnership," Principal Ms. Odette Wills said to families. Ms. Wills went on to tell students to make well thought-out choices, and to stay focused on achieving their goals and dreams.

Congratulations to all moving up students, and best of luck at Atkinson and beyond!

Elementary Schools’ Students