Atkinson Welcomes Class of 2023
Posted on 08/27/2015

The incoming fifth-grade class at Atkinson was welcomed at an orientation prior to the first day of school.

The program was designed for students, coming together following their completion of fourth-grade at the district's four elementary schools, to familiarize themselves with their new school building and its general rules. Principal Connie Velez introduced herself to the students and assured them that they will have a wonderful and exciting school year, and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham was in attendance to personally welcome them to their new school.

Appointed student ambassadors, Atkinson upperclassmen, took groups of the incoming fifth-graders on a tour of the school. Students also participated in a treasure hunt and completed word searches and crossword puzzles as creative and fun ways to interact with each other. Following their tour, students enhanced their knowledge of the school by answering questions about what they learned while with their upperclassmen.

The orientation served as a way for students to meet each other and familiarize themselves with their building and dedicated staff prior to another successful school year.

Atkinson Welcomes Class

Atkinson Welcomes Class 2

Atkinson Welcomes Class 3

Atkinson Welcomes Class 4

Atkinson Welcomes Class 5