District Kicks Off 2015-2016
Posted on 09/08/2015

The district's eight schools welcomed back excited students, parents, faculty members and administrators for the start of the new year on Sept. 8.

The year's first day was full of activities designed for students to transition from summer break to an academically stimulating year. Younger students arrived to their schools smiling on school busses or holding the hands of family members, while their counterparts reconnected with their peers en route to their new classes. The classes of 2016 and 2028 began their final years at Freeport High School and Columbus, respectively, and parents and guardians at each of the four elementary schools were invited to join students in their classrooms as they began working on various tasks. In addition, members of the district's central administration were in attendance at each school to help usher in another successful year.

On the first day of school, students at each grade level moved one step closer to achieving their dreams.

District Kicks Off 2015-2016