Giblyn’s Buddy Bench
Posted on 03/31/2016

In an effort to make sure that all students are included in free play and making friends, a Buddy Bench was installed at Giblyn.

A Buddy Bench is used when a student feels lonely or has no one to play with. The student is encouraged to sit on the Buddy Bench, after which another student will join him/her to talk or play. Literature has been provided to teachers to help introduce and explain the bench to students, and to talk about friendship.

"After months in the making, we are so happy to have a safe place for children to go that will help them make friends and feel happy while at recess," said Principal Amanda Muldowney. "We are helping to teach children a way to be a friend, to help others, be a better person and resolve conflicts all though the use of the Buddy Bench. All these combined will help deter playground bullying proactively."

The Giblyn Buddy Bench was made possible through the dedication of Susan Warren, Lisa Malone and the school custodians, who all contributed to the logistics of the idea and construction of the bench.