Spreading Smiles for 100 Miles
Posted on 05/12/2016

Superintendent Dr. Kishore Kuncham started a Peace Walk - a 100-mile pilgrimage promoting peace - on May 7, the day the district's seventh annual Peace March was held at the high school.

Dr. Kuncham will continue the journey over the course of the next several weeks, and will walk several miles everyday, before or after school hours, throughout the Village of Freeport until he has walked on every block - a total of approximately 100 miles. He welcomes and encourages district and community members to join him for all or a part of the pilgrimage. Along the way, Dr. Kuncham will be speaking with people and inviting them to spread peace throughout the world, starting in the Village of Freeport. Each week, his walking agenda will be posted to the school district's website.

"The purpose of this journey is to promote peace and inspire peace and harmony, within ourselves and in the Freeport community," said Dr. Kuncham. "Peace is beautiful, eternal and contagious, and I would like to spread it with every step of my 100-mile walk in our Village."
