Message from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham
Posted on 08/29/2016

It's with great excitement and optimism that I welcome you to the new academic year. The start of school brings with it a sense of enthusiasm and renewed purpose. We are looking ahead to providing stimulating educational opportunities that will ensure our children's continued success.

The past years have been challenging and demanding as we raced to keep up with the public education reform initiatives. Our outpouring of concern to the New York State Education Department has finally been heard and a recalibration to better align the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the CCLS assessments is underway.

We remain devoted to the level of rigor and expectations brought about by the change in standards and assessments. There has been commendable growth in our elementary reading levels and our graduation rate maintains at its highest level. Our children will continue to receive the excellent education they deserve.

While strengthening many of our instructional initiatives, this year we are launching a massive infusion of technology, facility upgrades, and numerous program innovations for staff and students. The schools will have additional iPads, chrome books, interactive boards and faster internet service. Along with these additional devices, our teachers and administrators are receiving training in enhancing learning through the integration of technology. We are preparing our students to be active participants in this era of globalization.

In addition to delivering every opportunity for academic excellence, our students are engaged in social emotional learning programs in every building. On every grade level, our children are learning to make good choices and solve problems effectively.

We are eager for the children to return to school and are enthusiastic about the exciting school year ahead. We look forward to a year of learning, creativity and remarkable accomplishments.