Atkinson Teachers Continue Learning
Posted on 09/08/2016

Atkinson teachers continued their dedication to lifelong learning during Superintendent's Conference Day prior to the 2016-17 school year.

The educators were guided by some of the district's finest leaders. Glori Engle, director of English language arts, reviewed and focused on teaching comprehension and computer-based resources for teaching modules. Gerard Poole, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, focused on instructional shifts in the social studies framework and C3 inquiry. Math and science teachers joined Anthony Murray, director of math and technology, and Dr. Vincent Pereira, director of science, to enhance effective problem-solving instruction, deepening content knowledge of mathematics and inquiry-based science instruction.

The teachers collaborated and prepared to move students forward in a nurturing environment in which they will be engaged in productive activities.

Superintendent’s Conference Day

Atkinson teachers

District’s finest leaders

The teachers Collaborated

Conference Session