The Voice of Potential Ripple of Hope Project for Global Youth Initiatives
Posted on 05/17/2017

For the past five years through grassroots efforts, students at Freeport High School have been raising awareness of important issues in our global community. This year, students raised $600 dollars. Through an ongoing global youth advocacy initiative created by FHS teacher Pamela Mary Schmidt, students in the United States are connected to children in Nepal and Haiti to facilitate human potential and promote dignity through self-sustainability and art. Students have been generating support for disabled orphans in Haiti (2012-17) and children recently removed from exploitative labor in the rug industry by GoodWeave, USA in Nepal (2013-14) through The Voice of Potential Ripple of Hope Project.

In exchange for the bracelet made with the artwork of the children in Haiti done with Ms. Schmidt, each person's name (students and faculty) is placed on a paper "drop of water" (1 drop for each dollar) on the wall that states, "I am a ripple of hope." As the drops come together in the hallway, they create a wave that visually interprets the following quote by Robert F. Kennedy:

"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others... he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." - Robert F. Kennedy

Through the concept that teaches one person can make a difference, Freeport High School students are changing their global community through research, advocacy, and collaborative art. All proceeds go directly towards the education of the children at the locations.
This summer, Ms. Schmidt will travel to India to stay with Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi. She will return with the artwork completed by children rescued from the carpet industry and rock quarries, and facilitate collaboration between the children at Bal Ashram with the students at Freeport High School 2017-18.

Global Youth Initiatives