Learning the Power of Yoga
Posted on 06/21/2017

In celebration of International Yoga Day on June 21, students learned about the power of mindfulness and peace by participating in yoga-related exercises. The exercises, which were led by seventh-graders at Dodd, were designed to give younger students an opportunity to experience the wide array of benefits of yoga.

"You can accomplish anything you set your mind to if you are at peace with yourself," said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham to students prior to the exercises. "Yoga helps you focus, it makes you more mindful and it calms the soul. I encourage you to incorporate yoga into your daily lives; even a few minutes a day can work wonders."

Under the direction of their principal Johane Ligondé and health teachers, the Dodd students visited Atkinson, Bayview and Archer to conduct interactive yoga lessons. They began with a 'Get Loose' exercise in preparation for the Sun Salutation, comprised of the 12 basic yoga poses, each of which was demonstrated by alternating Dodd students. Following the Sun Salutation, the seventh-graders discussed and demonstrated the Power of the Breath - also known as Straw Breath - a breathing technique used to clear the mind.

The day's program was a supplement to the practice of yoga and cultivation of mindfulness in the district that is taught throughout the year. Programs such as YES (Youth Empowerment Seminar) and YogArt, which combines elements of art and yoga, are district staples. On International Yoga Day, whether it was students teaching or learning about yoga or the power of mindfulness and peace, participants were able to unite their minds, bodies and spirits.

Power Of Yoga