Putting Safety First
Posted on 11/17/2016

The district hosted an informational session about Megan's Law that was designed to disseminate important details and tips about what parents can do to ensure the safety of their children and families.

With members of the board of education, administrators and elected officials also in attendance, representatives of the Parents for Megan's Law and the Crime Victims Center were available to address any concerns and answer questions about Megan's Law. Laura Ahearn, executive director of the CVC, conducted a presentation titled "What You Need to Know About Megan's Law in New York," and discussed at length current issues surrounding the law.

"Ensuring the safety and security of our children is a top priority," Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham said. "It is crucial for all of us to protect our students, and to do everything in our power to shield them from any potential dangers. Thank you for taking the time to attend this important informational meeting about what you can do."

Village of Freeport trustee Carmen Piñeyro and state Assemblyman Brian Curran expressed that they are not only dedicated to the cause, but also vigilant and proactive in their efforts to spur positive change.

The session allowed the district to provide information aligned with its goal of ensuring the safety and security of all students by keeping parents informed.