STEMming for Success at Giblyn
Posted on 11/10/2017

Students at Giblyn participated in a variety of fall-related science, technology, engineering and mathematics activities.

While some classes worked independently, others collaborated with classes on different grade levels to complete a challenge. First-graders used recycled materials to design and build a safe escape for a pumpkin before it was cooked into pie or soup, in addition to building a structure to support five little pumpkins. Another class constructed a pumpkin tower using pumpkins, craft sticks and toothpicks. In other classes, students worked together to discover how bat wings were similar to human hands, and what the result of leaving candy in liquid for differing periods of time would be.

As follow-up activities, classes toured the building to read about and observe the various experiments. Teachers also spent time discussing the exhibits and what methods worked, did not work or could have been completed differently.
