Students Turn Chefs for Valentine’s Day Lunch Date
Posted on 02/19/2019

Mrs. Dana Berner's and Ms. Nicole Rivelli's kindergarten class at Columbus Avenue Elementary School sharpened their cooking skills while crafting homemade ravioli for a parent lunch date in honor of Valentine's Day.

Before the lesson began, which was led by chef Robert Altadonna, students powered up for the activity by touching the golden chef hat. Students then took direction in fusing the ingredients together to make the dough. They took turns and then worked as a team to knead and roll out the dough. After the dough was done rising, students proceeded with the final step in adding the ricotta cheese to the dough before throwing it in the pot to cook.

Topped with warm marinara sauce, students and parents savored every bite of their finished product while also enjoying the screening of the classic Disney film "Lady and the Tramp."

Valentine’s Day Lunch Date