New Visions Plants Peace Pole
Posted on 05/10/2018

As a testament to its commitment to peace and harmony across the world and stemming from its very own community, New Visions unveiled a brand new Peace Pole on its front lawn. The dedication ceremony, which was attended by administrators, teachers, students and parents, was designed to formally introduce the symbol of unity.

Following fourth-grader Alexis Skewer's reading of the poem, "Promise of Peace," students and staff members placed yellow flowers before the Peace Pole, and students then translated messages of peace in various languages: "May Peace Prevail on Earth" in Japanese; "May Peace Be in Our Hearts" in Russian; "May Peace Be in Our Community" in Hebrew; "May Peace Be in Our Schools" in Spanish; and all of these messages of peace in American Sign Language.

"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values and your values become your destiny," said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham. "'The future depends on what you do today,' as Mahatma Gandhi said, and what you have done here this afternoon is extraordinary - connecting each one of us together through this amazing Peace Pole and connecting to 180 countries and connecting to all of humanity."

The ceremony was a momentous occasion and precursor to the ninth annual District Peace March and Health and Wellness Fair.

Plants Peace

 Plants Peace Pole


Child Group