District welcomes new teachers
Posted on 08/24/2018

The Caroline G. Atkinson Intermediate School cafeteria was filled with new faces on Aug. 20, as the district hosted its annual First Year Teachers' Orientation. Prior to the start of the multi-day orientation, teachers were distributed Chromebooks for the school year.

The program opened with Dr. Mary Bediako, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and Special Projects, introducing each new staff member to the board of education and administration.

Board of Education President Michael Pomerico emphasized the significance of being a Freeporter.

"This is a career for you. We want you to succeed, and we want our kids to succeed," Pomerico said. "Freeport is a wonderful school district and a lot of tremendous things happen here whether it's in education, music and art, or sports."

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham encouraged teachers to think about their next giant leap.

"You'll improve on your craft, and you'll all become master teachers. How you differentiate and how you reach out to each and every student, that's going to be the key to your success, the success of the children and the success of the school district," Dr. Kuncham said. "We want you to be here to inspire our students every single day. We want our students to be the problem solvers and the innovators, and all of that can happen through you. You are the leaders, and you are the superheroes. Bring your passion every single day, make a difference, be real, be genuine. We are here for all of you to succeed and we are here to take you on this exciting journey with all of us. Let's take the next giant leap."

Following the inspiring program, Dr. Bediako led the teachers in a pledge, where they vowed to develop a safe and positive classroom environment for all students. The teachers went on a bus tour of the district's eight buildings and historical sites. For the remainder of the day and in the days that followed, first-year and second-year teachers participated in the district's targeted professional development program.

The district kicks off its first day of school on Sept. 4.

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