Student Awarded 2019 Rensselaer Medal
Posted on 06/20/2019

The district is proud to announce that Freeport High School 11th grade student Rosa Medina was awarded the 2019 Rensselaer Medal from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In addition to this honor, Rosa has also earned a $100,000 college merit scholarship from the institution, if she decides to attend in fall 2020. The full scholarship is a culmination of $25,000 she could receive for each of the four years.

Rosa won this medal for being named the best science student in the junior class. This is based on her performance in science Regents exams in grades 8, 9 and 10, and also being named the best student in AP Physics. She is currently taking AP Calculus and was selected by Brookhaven National Lab for their High School Summer Research Program.

The Rensselaer Medal was first presented in 1916 with the goal to recognize the superlative academic achievements of young men and women, and to motivate students toward careers in science, engineering and technology.

Going into her senior year at Freeport High School, Rosa will officially receive the Rensselaer Medal during the Honors Convocation in the fall of her first year if she attends. The college will also be hosting an open house for all enrolling medalists on Sept. 7.

The district is proud of Rosa's hard work and effort that led to this prestigious honor, and wishes her well in all her future endeavors.

Rensselaer Medal