District Alumni Named Unsung Hero
Posted on 10/01/2018

The district honored the efforts of Freeport alumni and former NFL New York Jet and Tampa Bay Buccaneer Jerry Mackey by naming him Freeport's Unsung Hero at the Sept. 26 Board of Education meeting.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham recognized Mackey as someone very special to the students, community and Freeport schools.

"Jerry has devoted his time and energy as a volunteer with our football team for over 10 years. If that is not enough, Jerry has served as a mentor, motivator and inspirational teacher, who has guided and influenced our student athletes to be the best they can be," Dr. Kuncham said. "Jerry is genuinely passionate about the work that he does here, and we thank him for his contributions to our students and our families."

At the meeting, Mackey received a plaque from the district and a proclamation from New York State Sen. John Brooks. Mackey said he was honored to receive the acknowledgements from the district and the state.

"This town, this program and my family and friends that I grew up with in Freeport mean a lot to me. Freeport is in my blood and I have an undying loyalty to my program," Mackey said. "I have a passion for the community and giving back, and making sure that these kids enjoy their time here because it was very special to me."
