Students Craft Interactive Mural.
Posted on 06/25/2019

Atkinson's sixth grade students in room 306 made an interactive #WhatLifts306 mural after learning about street artist Kelsey Montague's #WhatLiftsYou movement.

This art project was part of the social and emotional learning program, where Ms. Mendolia and Mrs. Alexis facilitated weekly class meetings and discussed emotions and how students can navigate through them. Topics included positive values, success and failures, identifying emotions, stress, being respectful, bullying, self-esteem, conflict resolution, and responsibility. The #WhatLiftsYou movement has allowed students the opportunity to create art and think about what empowers them and how they can help others.

Student reactions:

"What makes me happy and lifts me is my family because they make me feel like I can do anything." - Rogers

"Something that lifts me is to help people with things like homework and school work. I also love doing work with my friends." - Aaniyah

"What lifts me is getting a good grade on a test because it makes me feel proud." - Evelyn

Students Craft

Students Craft 2

Students Craft 3

Students Craft 4