Nobel Prize Winner in Physics to Visit Freeport High School
Posted on 10/03/2018

Professor Rainer Weiss, from MIT and winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of gravitational waves, will visit Freeport on October 10 from 9 AM to 2 PM. The detection of gravitational waves is considered a 'discovery of a life-time'. For the past 2,000 years scientists had only one 'messenger' from the sky, namely light waves. As a result of this discovery we now have two messengers, light and gravitational waves. This enables scientists to answer unresolved questions on the birth of the universe, black holes, etc. Besides giving a presentation, Dr. Weiss will spend time in Dr. Capalbo's classroom observing an activity in which two tennis balls rotate and eventually collide. The rotation of these tennis balls mimic the rotation of two black holes. Dr. Weiss will also spend time in Mr. Irwin's research lab where our students will discuss their research projects.

Old Man

Black Holes