Staff Attend Superintendent’s Conference Day
Posted on 08/29/2019

Freeport High School was a sea of smiles as teachers, staff, Board of Education members and administrators came together for the annual Superintendent's Conference Day. Before everyone broke off into individual building sessions, the entire staff gathered in the Performing Arts Center to celebrate the start of the school year with an inspiring message from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham. To kick off the event, the Freeport High School Select Chorale led the Pledge of Allegiance and performed "The Star-Spangled Banner."

Dr. Kuncham began with thanking each building for all they have done for our students, families and community. "I am always very proud to stand before you, and I extend my deepest thanks to all of you," Dr. Kuncham said. "Collectively, we make anything possible every single day, and that's thanks to you for being committed, caring and supportive."

Dr. Kuncham stated the district has much to celebrate as we continue to drive our work. "We have made significant gains in the New York State Grades 3-8 assessments and we continue to maintain our graduation rate. We are closing achievement gaps in all areas effectively. Our teachers and staff in Freeport play a vital role in helping students not only reach, but exceed their potential. As always, our top priority will be the well-being, health, and safety of our children. We will continue to focus on our goals, strategic plan, and strengthen and deepen our initiatives that will lead to continuous improvement of academic rigor and higher achievement."

Dr. Kuncham shared that the theme for the 2019-20 school year is "Be the Change." Everyone can be a change maker every day. He stressed the importance of being a mentor, role model and a positive influence in the lives of all students.

"Every child is beautiful, and every child is a treasure," Dr. Kuncham added. "We are here to unlock their genius, and we have it in our power to unleash their greatness upon the world. Let's be the change."

Board President Ernest Kight Jr. welcomed everyone back on behalf of the board of education, and the parents and children of the Freeport Public School System. Kight Jr. said, "We achieved many things last year, but we have deep appreciation for the efforts, dedication and the very hard work you all put in to be successful educators."

Prior to the end of the session, Kuncham encouraged everyone to close their eyes and remember their most cherished memories and think about the things they valued most. He encouraged them to use their strength and passion as tools in education. With that, everyone opened their eyes to a surprise flash mob, where students and staff members alike performed on stage, which was a fitting ending to yet another school year's beginning.

Superintendent’s Conference Day