Students Anticipate the ALS Ride for Life
Posted on 11/21/2018

Fourth-grade students of the Leo F. Giblyn School received a special visit from Christopher Pendergast, the ALS Ride for Life founder who is battling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Mr. Pendergast and other members of the ALS Ride for Life organization educated students about the disease and how the organization works to raise awareness and funds to find a cure. Students heard Mr. Pendergast's story battling with the disease and learned about how he uses his wheelchair to move around and communicate with others.

At the end of the presentation, students watched an inspiring video on how the ALS Ride for Life began, how it has grown and how it has helped others battling with the disease throughout the years. To show their appreciation and support, fourth-grade students sang "We Won't Stop Dreaming" for Mr. Pendergast and members of the ALS Ride for Life organization.

The purpose of the presentation was to help prepare students for the upcoming event in May 2019, where participants of the ALS Ride for Life visit Giblyn during their ride.
