Grade 6 -12 Change of Instructional Mode Link
Posted on 01/08/2021

Dear Freeport Grade 6 - 12 Families,

As part of the District Reopening Plan, you were given the option to choose an In-person/Hybrid Learning Model or a fully Remote Learning Model for your child/children at the start of each marking period. This means that students who chose the Remote Learning Model may now return to the In-Person/Hybrid Learning Model and students who chose the In-Person/Hybrid Learning Model may choose to move to the Remote Learning Model. At this time, families of students in grades 6 - 12 may choose to change learning models. The change in your child's learning model will occur on February 1st. Pre- K through grade 5 students will have this opportunity at the start of their next marking period in March.

There is no action necessary on your part if you do not want a change of learning model. Please complete this form ( only if you wish to change your child's instructional program. A form must be filled out for each child in your family requesting a change. For planning purposes, all forms must be returned by 5:00 PM on January 22nd. We will be unable to accept changes after this date. All changes to instructional programs will be in effect from February 1st through April 16th. In April, you will be given the next opportunity to change your child's chosen learning model.

We appreciate your collaboration and support as we continue to provide our students with the best educational opportunities available. As we move forward with any new phase, we will continue to carefully follow all the required Department of Health guidelines. The health and safety of our students and staff is our first priority. Please remember M-S-W: Wear your Masks, Social distance, Wash Your Hands.