Bayview PeaceJam Juniors Collect Food for Island Harvest
Posted on 01/28/2021

Bayview Avenue students, faculty and staff recently hosted a food drive for Island Harvest. Organized by the PeaceJam Juniors group, the school collected 790 food items, or 700 pounds, for those in need.

Members of PeaceJam Juniors learned about the Dalai Lama and his mission toward peace and compassion, which inspired the group to organize the food drive. To help encourage participation, any student, faculty or staff member who brought in one or more food items received a star with their name on it which was then displayed on a bulletin board in the school's main hallway.

As a result, the hallway was filled with stars and the food items collected will feed approximately 584 families in need this winter.

Bayview Peacejam Juniors