Message from the Superintendent re COVID-19
Posted on 03/10/2020

Message from the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Kishore Kuncham

COVID-19 Update 3/10/2020

We urge you and your children not to spread any rumors regarding COVID-19. In the event we have a student or faculty member with a confirmed case of COVID-19, we will be informed by the Nassau County Department of Health. In turn if a school closing is required, you will be informed immediately. For the latest information and updates on COVID-19, please visit our website at

In light of heightened precautionary measures at the State level, please be prepared for possible rescheduling and/or cancellations of field trip and other school events in the coming weeks. We are reviewing all our day, evening and out of district events to monitor the health and safety of our students. Some cancellations may also be coming from outside organizations who have organized the events. As much as possible, we are maintaining school events specific to our student and their families.

Below from the DOH and NYSED are Frequently Asked School and COVID-19 Questions and Answers

Are schools required to close if any students or staff are diagnosed with


When a school initially has a student or staff that tests positive, the entire school will close for 24 hours while the local department of health investigates and sets forth a plan for any further precautionary measures that the school must take to contain exposure, which may result in additional closure. During this time, the entire school building shall be disinfected in accordance with guidelines from NYS DOH with approved cleaners. Additional

closure beyond the 24 hours is a decision that will be made on a case-by-case basis by the local department of health.

How long may a school be closed if a staff member or student is diagnosed with COVID-19?

If a student or staff member attended school prior to being confirmed as COVID-19 case, local health officials will require an immediate 24 hour closure to disinfect the entire school building, while local health officials begin an investigation to determine contacts the positive case had, and set forth a plan for the containment strategy, including appropriate length of closure for the school.

What if someone comes to school and then begins to show flu-like symptoms?

Students and staff who appear to have an flu-like illness when they come to school-or who become ill during the school day-should be isolated in a room separate from other people if possible, or kept a minimum of 6 feet away from others while wearing a surgical mask until they can be sent home in accordance with district procedures.

What can school administrators do to control the spread of COVID-19 in their schools?

Schools can help reduce the spread of any virus- whether it is the flu virus or COVID-19 - by promoting good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, enforcing ill students and staff stay home, and separating ill students and staff from well persons until able to go home.