Grades 3 - 8 State Assessments Suspended for the Remainder of the 2019-2020 School Year
Posted on 03/20/2020

Please see the following memo form the New York State Education Department:

SUBJECT:Suspension of the New York State Elementary- and Intermediate-Level State Assessments for the Remainder of the School Year in Response to COVID-19 Related School and District Closures

The purpose of this memorandum is to inform you that the New York State Education Department (NYSED) is suspending all NYS Elementary- and Intermediate-Level State Assessments for the remainder of the school year in response to the statewide closures of schools and districts to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This suspension for the remainder of the school year applies to the following State testing programs:

  • New York State Grades 3-8 English Language Arts Tests
  • New York State Grades 3-8 Mathematics Tests
  • New York State Grade 4 Elementary-Level Science Test
  • New York State Grade 8 Intermediate-Level Science Test
  • New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) in Grades K-12
  • New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) for students with severe cognitive disabilities in Grades 3-8 and high school

This situation has evolved rapidly such that schools have now closed statewide and there is much uncertainty as to when regular in-school attendance and instruction will be able to resume throughout the State and/or whether students will be adequately prepared to take these assessments. It is most important that during the time of closure, schools be able to continue to focus their efforts toward local school and community needs and not have to be concerned about preparing for State assessments. NYSED has applied for federal waivers for testing, accountability, and reporting requirements.

At this time, NYSED is continuing to closely monitor the situation and will provide guidance on the Regents examinations in the near future.

We are grateful for the dedicated educators, parents, and students who are working so diligently to ensure that students are safe and well. Please continue to monitor NYSED's COVID-19 Information site for additional guidance as it becomes available.