Hooray for the 100th Day of School
Posted on 03/03/2021

Students in Columbus Avenue and Bayview Avenue celebrated the district's 100th day of school with different activities and lessons focusing on the number 100.

At Columbus Ave. students built cup towers in groups of ten to reach 100 cups, created special banners and t-shirts and even dressed up as dalmatians with 100 spots. Both in-person and remote learning students participated, with on remote learner making a cake decorated to celebrate the occasion.

Students from Bayview Avenue created their own t-shirt designs which included a 100 googley eyes shirt, a shirt showcasing 100 things students like, a millipede and more. Additionally, students also made crowns to celebrate being 100 days smarter.

Celebrating the 100th Day of school is a chance for students to commemorate an occasion not linked to a specific holiday or season and offers the chance to teach and reinforce lessons on counting in a variety of ways.

100th Day Of School

100th Day Of Children's

100th Day Of Girl

Hooray For 100th Day