Bayview Avenue PeaceJam Juniors presents Global Stories Project
Posted on 05/11/2021

Bayview Avenue students in the PeaceJam Juniors enrichment program recently virtually presented their final projects of the school year in honor of World Book Day. The final project, called Global Stories, had the 10 students in the program share the stories of family members and friends who have immigrated to the United States with the entire fourth grade class, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Kishore Kuncham, principal Mary Gargiulo, and several other administrators in the district.

For the project, students were asked to interview an immigrant to learn about their lives before moving to the United States and share their stories. Students spoke with aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors and one student interviewed Freeport Public School's Columbus Avenue Principal Ms. Alma Rocha, an immigrant from Mexico City, Mexico.

Each immigrant interview was presented as a book written by their interviewee with photos, quotes and event maps highlighting the countries and cities where their special guests were born.

Closing the program, Ms. Gargiulo thanked the students for their hard work and dedication to sharing the immigrant stories of their family members and friends, and expressed the importance of learning about being proud of their cultures and backgrounds.

Zoom Call

Screenshare The Book

Alma Rocha Zoom