Holiday Message from the Superintendent - Week of Jan 4 - 8 2021 All Remote Instruction
Posted on 12/16/2020

December 2020

Dear Freeport Families,

Winter is upon us and the nights are now filled with the twinkling lights and festive spirit of the Holiday Season. We have made it through together to what has been referred to as the most wonderful time of the year. There is even a jingle that reminds of us of that. Yes, we are just ending what has been one of the most challenging, saddening and polarizing years in memory. Still, our support for each other, our loved ones, our inner strength and our positivity has carried us through. We remain Freeport Strong and we have much to celebrate.

This past year has taught us to appreciate the blessings of our lives. We created valuable memories with our immediate families and, importantly, focused on ourselves. We had the time to take an inner journey and re-evaluate our priorities. The importance of human values came to the forefront as we saw globally the suffering of so many both with illness and economic struggles. We came together to advocate for the rights of others and generously donated to those in need. We can't deny this has been a tough year - the year of face masks, hand sanitizer, long lines and the on-going search for cleaning supplies and paper products. On a bright note, in 2020, we have become Masters of the Virtual Event, Rulers of Remote Instruction, and Keepers of Health and Safety. We have maintained our schools as a safe and healthy place for our students and ourselves. We have nurtured our students physically, intellectually and emotionally. We've learned to adapt and never stop caring, growing and doing whatever it takes to reach our goals. 2020 threw us all a huge learning curve and we accepted the challenge to transform our schools, our lives and the lives of our students. We have developed effective strategies, guidelines and practices that we will continue using in the future. I am so proud of our accomplishments and to be a member of this awe-inspiring team of Changemakers.

Many people are looking forward to saying good-bye to the year 2020. Unfortunately, things will not magically change on the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2021. We will still be battling the COVID pandemic and we must begin to heal our battered nation socially and economically. I am looking forward to the vaccine being available to us all which will go a long way in helping us to end this pandemic. The magic exists in the fact we can and we will do this. Many people start the New Year with resolutions to change things for the better. The Dalai Lama reminds us that happiness is not readymade. It comes from our own actions.

In this coming year, let's resolve to make our world a better place by showing equity and equality in our unbiased thoughts, words and actions. We should be charitable in a world filled with need. Not just with money, food, or clothing but with an attitude of kindness, forgiveness and understanding of others. On a personal level, resolve to live your dreams for as we know life can change quickly. The time to start a new hobby, learn a new skill, challenge yourself and enjoy yourself is now. Re-set your priorities to balance your life to take extra care of yourself and your family. Remember, it doesn't matter where we were. What matters is that right now, we are moving forward towards our goals.

Please note that all students will be on remote learning the week of our return after the Winter Break from January 4th - January 8th. All staff will report to work during this time. The information and metrics regarding COVID are always evolving, and we will keep you informed of any further developments.

I hope you and your dear ones enjoy a beautiful, safe and healthy Winter Break. While we look forward to a better and brighter future, please remember we must still abide by the protocols that keep us safe. Practice

M-S-W (Wear your masks, Social Distance and Wash your Hands) over the break. Be careful when gathering with family and friends and, if you travel, be sure to follow the quarantine guidelines.

My best wishes to you all for a magical, relaxing, and fun-filled break. I look forward to seeing you in the New Year as we continue on our amazing journey together.


Dr. Kishore Kuncham