Student-Designed CubeSat to Launch Aboard Suborbital Rocket
Posted on 02/11/2022

On Tuesday Feb. 8, Freeport High School announced to the student members of its CubeSat Launch Project Team that their student-designed cube nanosatellite housing a student-developed science research experiment to test the earth's temperature in urban areas verses suburban and rural areas will be launched on a suborbital rocket into space by BluShift Aerospace Corporation.

Freeport High School is the only high school in New York State and one of five high schools in the nation to earn this distinguished and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have their CubeSat satellite launched into space.

The CubeSat team consists of 15 high school students from grades nine through 12, including some who have worked on the project since they were students at Dodd Middle School.

Dr. Vincent Pereira, Freeport School District Director of Science, made the surprise announcement to the CubeSat Launch Team after calling them to the high school library for a special meeting.

"I have called you all here today for a special reason." Dr. Pereira, said. "I am very pleased to announce to our entire CubeSat team that our CubeSat will fly into space in a rocket leaving from a military airbase in Maine."

The announcement came with thunderous applause from the team of students who were originally chosen as finalists in the U.S. Department of Education's CTE Mission: CubeSat Challenge and worked to complete a successful test launch of their CubeSat for the program in April 2020.

"I was sitting in my physics class when I was called out of class and had no idea why" said junior Victor Villatoro. "When I heard the announcement, I was so glad for everyone on the team who worked so hard, especially the alumni for their work when they were on the team in years past."

The suborbital rocket will reach more than 100 km above the Earth (about 62 miles) and spend approximately six minutes under zero gravity and then return safely back to Earth. Freeport students will redesign their original nanosatellite to function while under conditions of zero gravity, which prior to this opportunity was not a component included in the design criteria.

Upon the rocket's return to Earth, the students will analyze the data gathered while in orbit and then compare that data to the data obtained while doing the experiment on Earth.

"The fact that our work will actually be going to outer space means all our hard work has been worth it. I am so excited to be part of this launch," said senior Keyla Pomero.

Following the announcement, each team member received a specially designed t-shirt, and a video of a suborbital rocket launch was shown which demonstrated what their CubeSat's launch will look like when their project is complete.

"We are extremely proud of the student members of the CubeSat Launch Project team," said Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Kishore Kuncham. "After their hard work and and devotion to this project it will be amazing to see it through to completion."

The Freeport High School CubeSat rocket launch with BluShift Aerospace Corporation is scheduled for August 2022.

To view media coverage on this announcement visit:
NBC: Click here
News 12: Click here

Cube Sat

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