Message from the Superintendent - Information regarding the Opening of School in September
Posted on 08/06/2021

Dear Freeport Families,

I hope you are all enjoying a relaxing and fun summer break while still maintaining the safety measures needed for your health and the health of your family members. It has been a busy summer for Freeport Public Schools with our expanded and enhanced summer programs along with the planning for the 2021-2022 school year. Students will begin school on September 1st. We are excited to have all our students back in school for this year and are planning for full in-person learning.

The Governor's Office and the NYSDOH have stated they will not be providing any additional guidance as the COVID-19 state of emergency has been rescinded. It is unimaginable that the DOH would not provide guidance for what is clearly a health issue. While it is disappointing that further guidance will not be coming, Freeport Public Schools will make decisions based on the health and well-being of our students and staff. We will be following the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the American Association of Physicians (AAP), and the previous guidelines of the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH). We will continue to maintain the health, safety and hygiene protocols necessary to protect the wellness of our students and staff.

We will continue to follow the practices in place at the end of the school year and during the summer program. Students and staff will continue wearing masks while indoors. Masks are optional outdoors. Students will be at least three feet apart in their classrooms and follow the appropriate physical distancing recommendations during other activities. We will still be conducting daily temperature checks and weekly COVID-19 questionnaires. Students who exhibit signs of illness or temperatures should not be sent to school. Students who exhibit illness in school will be sent home and will need a doctor's clearance to return. All students must wear masks when riding the school buses and when entering and exiting our buildings.

We strongly encourage those who are eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine if they have not already done so. The vaccine is our best defense against COVID for the sake of yourself, your family and others. The current information on the rise of COVID cases indicates it is mostly happening among the unvaccinated population. Working together to promote the vaccine will be a benefit to all. Although the vaccine is now readily available at clinics and drugstores, we will continue to partner with health care providers to make the vaccines available for our students, staff and the community. We are pleased that our Freeport High School School Based Health Clinic will be offering vaccines for our high school students.

In addition to our focus on health and safety, the District will focus on the wellness and social emotional status of our students and staff. We understand the impact of COVID on our students, their families, our staff and the community. Our staff is prepared to provide wellness supports and check-ins, social emotional learning strategies and counseling for all those in need. We will continue our mental health partnership to provide access to services for our students and their families through the Northwell Cohen's Behavioral Health Center. Don't hesitate to contact your building Pupil Personnel Services team with questions and concerns. They are here to assist you and your family.

We will be sure to share any updated guidance regarding the start of school with you. As always, you will be receiving further information and documents regarding the start of the school year from your child's building and the District. If you have any questions or concerns particular to your child, please contact your building principal.

We are deeply committed to providing the best educational and extracurricular opportunities to our students in a safe, healthy environment. We are very excited for the coming school year. Together, we are the Changemakers inspiring our students, staff and community to reach their greatest potential. We are Freeport Strong. Be safe and well.


Dr. Kishore Kuncham

Superintendent of Schools