Science takes center stage at Freeport High School’s annual science and engineering fair
Posted on 05/13/2022

Freeport High School's gymnasium was full of excitement and anticipation as students presented their science projects for the 17th annual Freeport High School science and engineering fair.

The fair featured 37 projects in the disciplines of Behavioral & Social sciences, biochemistry, chemistry, engineering, environmental science, medicine and health, microbiology and zoology.

Students presented their research, experiments and conclusions under the leadership of science research teacher Edward Irwin to a team of judges, including 12 from neighboring universities and colleges.

The annual science fair always brings great opportunities for our students to demonstrate the exceptional work of the science department at Freeport High School," said Dr. Vincent Pereira, Director of Science.

We have to thank for these opportunities, Mr. Edwin Irwin, science research teacher, who has successfully carried out the science fair for the past 17 years and is retiring at the end of the school year. Our high school students would not have the chance to present their work if not for his efforts."

The fair challenges students to tap into their scientific curiosity, research and record data, and resolve questions quickly, accurately and efficiently.