Giblyn Students Adopt-a-Cop 
Posted on 11/23/2022

Giblyn Elementary School's fourth grade classes welcomed Freeport Village police officers to the school for a special assembly in which they officially adopted officers as part of the school's annual Adopt-a-Cop program.

Giblyn Principal Amy Lederer welcomed the officers and thanked them for their participation in the program and the fourth grade students showed their appreciation by performing the song "Peace, Love and Happiness."

A student representative from each class spoke about the Adopt-a-Cop program and thanked the officers for all they do in the community. Two students from each classroom announced who their adopted cop for the school year would be. At the conclusion of the program, the students returned to their classrooms with their adopted cop to get better acquainted, and to discuss the importance of police officers and their role in keeping the community safe.

Throughout the school year, the officers will act as mentors visiting the classes, writing letters to the students in their assigned classes and hosting virtual meetings to help build a lasting relationship with the Freeport Village Police Department

Date Added: 11/23/2022