Message from the Superintendent: Wishing You Happy Holidays
Posted on 12/23/2022

December 2022

Dear Freeport Families,

The holiday season is upon us with all the festivities and happiness it brings. As we come to the end of another amazing year, I hope this finds you and your families well. Despite the challenges of the past years, our commitment has never wavered and together we have transformed adversity into successes.

As we gather with our family and friends, let us continue to remember those who arestruggling or in need. The past years have been difficult for many. I am proud and touched by the generosity shown in all our schools all year to reach out to those who are less fortunate. Let us continue to remember that it truly is better to give than to receive. May this season be one of joy, celebration, and warmth and the year to come filled with health, new blessings and amazing achievements for all.

Be festive, restful and joyful during your Holiday Break. Although the major disruptions and challenges we faced are behind us, there is an upsurge in COVID and other illnesses, so please remember to take care of yourselves and follow precautions to remain healthy. Wishing a peaceful, cheerful New Year to you and your loved ones!
Looking forward to seeing our students as they return on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.


Dr. Kishore Kuncham